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( 44 Entries )
A light to the Gentiles Part 6: The enacted parable of Mark 11
Bible Parables explained : The Wicked Husbandmen
Blessed With Faithful Abraham Study 5:The parable of Genesis 21 to 26
Blessed with Faithful Abraham: Study 5 'The parable of Genesis 21 to 26'
Camel Through The Eye Of A Needle: Matt 19, Mark10, Luke 18
Christ in the Judges Study 3 Deborah and Barak Gen3 15 in an enacted parable
Exhortation The Parable of the Lost Prodigal Son
Invitation to a great banquet. Luke 14 15-24
Luke: Parables in the Gospel
New cloth on an old coat, New wine in old wineskins
Parable of Jesus: 'The Kingdom of Heaven'
Parable of Jesus: The Sower - Mark 4:3-9
Parable of the Leaven
Parable: The sheep, gate, and shepherd - John 10: 1-18
Parables about Lost and Found
Parables about Open and Closed Doors
Parables of Jesus - Love and Forgiveness
Parables of Jesus - The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37
Rich man builds bigger barns - Sunday School Lesson
Signs of the future from a fig tree Part 2
Signs of the future from a fig tree Part 4
Sit down in the lowest room....Friend go up Higher.Luke 14:7-14
So you think you know Jesus?
Spiritual Comparisions: Psalm 146 and the parable of Lazarus
Study 1: The unmistakable sign of the fig tree in 2017
The camel, the needle's eye and John the Baptist Matt 19:24
The Good Samaritan: Christadelphian Sunday school Lesson
The Gospel of Mark: Parables
The Kings Parables of Warning to us Olivet Prophecy Pt 4
The Parable of Jesus : Parables in Nature
The Parable of Mephibosheth
The Parable of the mustard seed
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus Explained
The Parable of the Sower - Hearken: there went out a Sower to sow.
The parable of the Unforgiving Servant.
The Parable of The Unfruitful Fig Tree - Luke 13:6-9
The Prodigal Son
The Sheep and The Goats part 1
The Sower in the Fields of our Hearts - Led By The Spirit pt 5
The Unjust Steward: Luke 16 1
The Wheat and the Tares - Matt 13
The Wise and the Foolish!
What did Jesus Teach?
Wise as Serpents - Harmless as Doves: Matt 10:16